Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Pack Meeting tomorrow

Hello everyone,

This is to remind you of our pack meeting tomorrow at 6:30, Kula
community center. We will be having guest speakers from kealia reserve
giving an interactive presentation (thank you David). Please plan to
show up a few minutes early, we are teaching our boys respect for those
who volunteer time for their benefit.

I am on duty but plan to be there. David will be there to say a final
goodbye and show appreciation to our speakers.

We will have a short breakout session of parents during the presentation
to give heads ups on upcoming events, needs, and the next meeting.



Wednesday, March 14, 2012

meeting / projector screen

Hi all, 

I just wanted to remind everyone that our Pack meeting this month will be on the 4th Wednesday this month, or 3/28. We will have 2 park rangers from the new Kealia Pond NWR give an interactive presentation. 

On that note, does anyone have a projector screen we can borrow? I'm thinking of something portable with a stand (not a wall-mounted screen). 

David Askov

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Hi all, 

I just wanted to send a short note to thank all of you for the wonderful card and gift, but also for the many years of fantastic memories. 

As we move forward, James Brent will be the new CubMaster. He is copied on this email, and also receives emails sent to the pack list. I will stay involved with the pack as the committee chair, but you probably won't see me much in day-to-day activities. 

The committee can consist of as many as 8 distinct members (read more), so there is a lot to do! I'm still wrapping my head around it all, but in the coming year, we will focus on recruiting and fundraising, as well as examining the Pack's finances & expenses. The committee will focus on providing direction and guidance, but when it comes time for implementing the plans, there will definitely be some calls for volunteers to fill these important roles. 

thanks! David

David Askov