Friday, December 17, 2010


Popcorn available for pick up.


Velva Ribble-Padgett R(S)

Coldwell Banker Island Properties

34 Wailea Gateway Place # A-207

Wailea, HI 96753

808.250.3727 direct

808.879.6979 fax


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Fwd: Christmas tree for sale

Hi everybody. Years ago, the pack used to hold a Christmas party (like we did for Halloween), and somebody bought us a tree. I heard that we only used it 1 year before we started going to the water park instead. There is no room in the scout closet for stuff we don't use, so I am trying to sell it. See the attached picture.

It has a sticker on it that says $76, for whatever that's worth. I will sell it for $25 with the proceeds going to the Pack. I will refund your money if you set it up and aren't happy with it.


Monday, December 13, 2010

FW: Popcorn online sales

Popcorn can be picked up or we will deliver AFTER the 15th. I have a
Christmas program on the 15th and will be busy all day.

Velva Ribble-Padgett R(S)
(808) 250-3727 direct
(808) 879-6979 fax

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Nakagawa []
Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2010 2:09 PM
To: W. Vorfeld & Associates; Alex Domingo (T68); Sadie Mossman (P18); Karen
Yamashita (T18); Ty Hori (T68 Storefront); Charlene Kawabata (T40); Scott
Nunokawa (T40); Duane Kim (T68); David Tamanaha (P40); Kat & Leo Pahulu
(P-T92); Daryl Yamada (T40); Angela Vieira (T14); Evert Harrell (T35); Ryan
Nishita (T/P20); Tricia Wilstead (T22); Denise Tanaka (P-T64); Lynne Uchima
(P18); Jennifer Keomaniboth (T40); Joe Cardoza (T49); Rosanne Wuthrich
(T22); Ellie Leialoha (P22); James Brent (P14); Grace Okazaki (T1); Lorraine
Ishikawa (T68-d2d); Luana Mahi (T14); Paul Smith (P49); Luther Kanae (T40);
Danielle Prieto (P54); Lee Tocho (T88); Sue Grant (P81); Velva
Ribble-Padgett (T14); Thomas Revelle (T100); Kathy Miyasato (T40); Jade
Querubin (P68)
Subject: RE: Popcorn online sales

The product pick up has been confirmed for Tuesday Dec. 14th from Noon to
4pm at the same place. Windward Construction. Please come prepared to pick
up all your product before 4pm as a courtesy to Windward Construction.
Thanks for all your hard work as we are on the home stretch for the year and
this popcorn campaign.

In Scouting,

Robert Nakagawa
Maui County Council, BSA

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Re: reminders - party, dues, badges


1) It looks like the cold front is dissipating today, and we will be returning to normal trades. The forecast says there may be spotty showers, but the downpours yesterday have cleared out. In other words, the party is on!

2) I need to know if any boys will arrive LATE, so that I can hold a wristband for them. I do not need RSVPs otherwise. I will check my email in about an hour before I head out. As I said, I am pretty sure we'll have more than enough wristbands, but I just want to make sure. 

3) Re-reminder: Time change - party is 1:30 - 4:30. 


On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 12:45 PM, David Askov <> wrote:
According to the weather analyst at my work, the outlook for tomorrow is much better. We will be returning to trade winds shortly, but it is too early to know exactly when that will happen. For now, the party is still on, but you might want to check your email tomorrow for more information. 

On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 1:33 PM, David Askov <> wrote:
A few reminders for everyone, before we slip into holiday mode: 

1) Party this Saturday at the golf & water park. TIME CHANGE: 1:30 - 4:30pm
Food: We will have some pizzas, cokes/juice, and chips there, so bring an appetite. Feel free to bring additional pupus/desserts if you like. 
Activities: We get a bunch of wristbands for unlimited rides and golf. I will give them to Scouts at the 1:30pm start time. 15 minutes after that, I will open it up to siblings and parents. If you know you are coming late, please email me by 11am, and I will hold back a wristband for your Scout. Last year, we had wristbands left over, so I really don't anticipate any problems.
Uniforms: None... Wear any scouting t-shirt if you have one. Bring a swimsuit and towel for the bumper boats. It can get chilly if you are wet and the wind is blowing, so plan accordingly. Remember sunscreen.  
Cost: This is free - paid for by our popcorn fundraiser. 

2) Dues: If you have not paid your dues, please arrange that with your den leader. You can also give them to me at the party, or contact me for my mailing address. Checks should be made out to "Pack 14". Dues are $40 for Tigers, Bears, Wolves, and Web1s. Returning Web2s owe nothing and new Web2s pay a prorated $20. 

3) Badges: You should be on track to earn your year's badge (Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, Arrow of Light) by the camp-out Feb 18, 2011. If not, Christmas is a good time to knock out some requirements. The absolute deadline is June, but there will be a badge ceremony at camp, and it is highly desirable for all boys to be recognized. This also leaves the latter part of the year for electives (arrow heads) and other awards (e.g.: Leave no trace). 

Thanks, David

David Askov

David Askov

David Askov

Friday, December 10, 2010

Re: reminders - party, dues, badges

According to the weather analyst at my work, the outlook for tomorrow is much better. We will be returning to trade winds shortly, but it is too early to know exactly when that will happen. For now, the party is still on, but you might want to check your email tomorrow for more information. 

On Sun, Dec 5, 2010 at 1:33 PM, David Askov <> wrote:
A few reminders for everyone, before we slip into holiday mode: 

1) Party this Saturday at the golf & water park. TIME CHANGE: 1:30 - 4:30pm
Food: We will have some pizzas, cokes/juice, and chips there, so bring an appetite. Feel free to bring additional pupus/desserts if you like. 
Activities: We get a bunch of wristbands for unlimited rides and golf. I will give them to Scouts at the 1:30pm start time. 15 minutes after that, I will open it up to siblings and parents. If you know you are coming late, please email me by 11am, and I will hold back a wristband for your Scout. Last year, we had wristbands left over, so I really don't anticipate any problems.
Uniforms: None... Wear any scouting t-shirt if you have one. Bring a swimsuit and towel for the bumper boats. It can get chilly if you are wet and the wind is blowing, so plan accordingly. Remember sunscreen.  
Cost: This is free - paid for by our popcorn fundraiser. 

2) Dues: If you have not paid your dues, please arrange that with your den leader. You can also give them to me at the party, or contact me for my mailing address. Checks should be made out to "Pack 14". Dues are $40 for Tigers, Bears, Wolves, and Web1s. Returning Web2s owe nothing and new Web2s pay a prorated $20. 

3) Badges: You should be on track to earn your year's badge (Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, Arrow of Light) by the camp-out Feb 18, 2011. If not, Christmas is a good time to knock out some requirements. The absolute deadline is June, but there will be a badge ceremony at camp, and it is highly desirable for all boys to be recognized. This also leaves the latter part of the year for electives (arrow heads) and other awards (e.g.: Leave no trace). 

Thanks, David

David Askov

David Askov




Are we locked into tomorrow at the Waterpark?


Looks like rain all day?


Velva Ribble-Padgett R(S)

Coldwell Banker Island Properties

34 Wailea Gateway Place # A-207

Wailea, HI 96753

808.250.3727 direct

808.879.6979 fax


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Scout prizes

Other then Hiro please e-mail me or call for verification of prizes. READ BELOW. Patch or Pin.


Velva Ribble-Padgett R(S)

(808) 250-3727 direct

(808) 879-6979 fax


From: W. Vorfeld & Associates []
Sent: Monday, December 06, 2010 9:18 AM
To: Alex Domingo (T68); Sadie Mossman (P18); Karen Yamashita (T18); Ty Hori (T68 Storefront); Charlene Kawabata (T40); Scott Nunokawa (T40); Duane Kim (T68); David Tamanaha (P40); Kat & Leo Pahulu (P-T92); Daryl Yamada (T40); Angela Vieira (T14); Evert Harrell (T35); Ryan Nishita (T/P20); Tricia Wilstead (T22); Denise Tanaka (P-T64); Lynne Uchima (P18); Jennifer Keomaniboth (T40); Joe Cardoza (T49); Rosanne Wuthrich (T22); Ellie Leialoha (P22); James Brent (P14); Grace Okazaki (T1); Lorraine Ishikawa (T68-d2d); Luana Mahi (T14); Paul Smith (P49); Luther Kanae (T40); Danielle Prieto (P54); Lee Tocho (T88); Sue Grant (P81); Velva Ribble-Padgett (T14); Thomas Revelle (T100); Kathy Miyasato (T40); Jade Querubin (P68)
Cc: Robert Nakagawa
Subject: Popcorn online sales


In case you didn’t have the attached info, here is a report of on-line sales for our council thru 11/8/10.  These sales are eligible for scout awards/prizes, and the amounts should be added to the scout's record in the box provided on the SCOUT page of your popcorn system site, before you compile your prize order.


This will also affect the scouts' eligibility for our Council prize drawing - for every $500 in sales, the scout gets his name in the drawing pool for one of 3 prizes.  See the popcorn info sheet you received at the beginning of the sale for information.


If you have already submitted your prize order to the council and need to amend it for any particulate scout, please let me know.  We have not yet sent the prize orders out to Trails-End for processing.


We extended the on-line sale to 11/20, but only 2 units had scouts who sold during that period.  We have notified them separately.


Congratulations to all the scouts who took part in our sale!


Ellen 281-6293




Sunday, December 5, 2010

RE: reminders - party, dues, badges

Carter will be attending. Velva & Steve, Thank You


Velva Ribble-Padgett R(S)

(808) 250-3727 direct

(808) 879-6979 fax


From: David Askov []
Sent: Sunday, December 05, 2010 1:34 PM
To: pack
Subject: reminders - party, dues, badges


A few reminders for everyone, before we slip into holiday mode: 


1) Party this Saturday at the golf & water park. TIME CHANGE: 1:30 - 4:30pm

Food: We will have some pizzas, cokes/juice, and chips there, so bring an appetite. Feel free to bring additional pupus/desserts if you like. 

Activities: We get a bunch of wristbands for unlimited rides and golf. I will give them to Scouts at the 1:30pm start time. 15 minutes after that, I will open it up to siblings and parents. If you know you are coming late, please email me by 11am, and I will hold back a wristband for your Scout. Last year, we had wristbands left over, so I really don't anticipate any problems.

Uniforms: None... Wear any scouting t-shirt if you have one. Bring a swimsuit and towel for the bumper boats. It can get chilly if you are wet and the wind is blowing, so plan accordingly. Remember sunscreen.  

Cost: This is free - paid for by our popcorn fundraiser. 


2) Dues: If you have not paid your dues, please arrange that with your den leader. You can also give them to me at the party, or contact me for my mailing address. Checks should be made out to "Pack 14". Dues are $40 for Tigers, Bears, Wolves, and Web1s. Returning Web2s owe nothing and new Web2s pay a prorated $20. 


3) Badges: You should be on track to earn your year's badge (Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, Arrow of Light) by the camp-out Feb 18, 2011. If not, Christmas is a good time to knock out some requirements. The absolute deadline is June, but there will be a badge ceremony at camp, and it is highly desirable for all boys to be recognized. This also leaves the latter part of the year for electives (arrow heads) and other awards (e.g.: Leave no trace). 


Thanks, David

David Askov

reminders - party, dues, badges

A few reminders for everyone, before we slip into holiday mode: 

1) Party this Saturday at the golf & water park. TIME CHANGE: 1:30 - 4:30pm
Food: We will have some pizzas, cokes/juice, and chips there, so bring an appetite. Feel free to bring additional pupus/desserts if you like. 
Activities: We get a bunch of wristbands for unlimited rides and golf. I will give them to Scouts at the 1:30pm start time. 15 minutes after that, I will open it up to siblings and parents. If you know you are coming late, please email me by 11am, and I will hold back a wristband for your Scout. Last year, we had wristbands left over, so I really don't anticipate any problems.
Uniforms: None... Wear any scouting t-shirt if you have one. Bring a swimsuit and towel for the bumper boats. It can get chilly if you are wet and the wind is blowing, so plan accordingly. Remember sunscreen.  
Cost: This is free - paid for by our popcorn fundraiser. 

2) Dues: If you have not paid your dues, please arrange that with your den leader. You can also give them to me at the party, or contact me for my mailing address. Checks should be made out to "Pack 14". Dues are $40 for Tigers, Bears, Wolves, and Web1s. Returning Web2s owe nothing and new Web2s pay a prorated $20. 

3) Badges: You should be on track to earn your year's badge (Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos, Arrow of Light) by the camp-out Feb 18, 2011. If not, Christmas is a good time to knock out some requirements. The absolute deadline is June, but there will be a badge ceremony at camp, and it is highly desirable for all boys to be recognized. This also leaves the latter part of the year for electives (arrow heads) and other awards (e.g.: Leave no trace). 

Thanks, David

David Askov

Pinewood Derby announcements

The annual Pinewood derby is Jan 28. Read this email all the way through, as it has details on the cars and the race, and how not to get disqualified... 

We have already distributed the Pinewood Derby kits. If you don't have one, someone in your den may have grabbed one for you at the Nov pack mtg. I will bring some to the party. 

Note that WE ARE NOT USING THE STANDARD KITS YOU CAN BUY IN STORES so get one from us in order to compete. There will be separate adult and child competitions for friends, siblings, parents, aunties, etc. There should be a copy of the rules in each kit, and they are also on the documents page of the website (or direct link) just in case. 

Key points: 
-- We try to make these races more fun than competitive. That said, some boys spend a lot of time on their cars, so in the interest of fairness, we do have a check-in that will ensure the cars meet these rules. 
-- We will have the track set up the night before and will be available to make minor adjustments to your car. 
-- You may use glue/epoxy to hold the nails in place in the slots. Other than that, you must use the provided nails/wheels in the pre-cut slots in the blocks. DO NOT MOVE OR OTHERWISE MODIFY THE SLOTS. IGNORE ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY IN THE INSTRUCTIONS. 
-- Weight is the biggest factor in a car's success. You want to get as close to the 5 ounces as possible, but don't go over. We will have scales and weights at the pack meeting and check-in for last minute adjustments. It is easier to add weight at the last minute than remove it...
-- Cars with wet paint are not allowed. 
-- Disqualified cars will still compete in the races (except wet paint), but cannot win awards. 

David Askov