Just a quick reminder of our schedule below. If you haven't finished your car yet, please remember that we will not allow any wet paint on the track.
Check-in will end at 11am sharp. In the past, the entire group has waited for people who showed up late and needed to make adjustments to their cars. Plan on the race taking till about 2:30 or so, plus an hour for tear-down and clean up.
Friday: 2:30pm - Pinewood Derby track setup.
-- This is for adult volunteers, not scouts. If you have a kid in tow, that's ok, but there won't be any "entertainment" for the boys, so best not to bring them if you can help it.
-- To my knowledge, no parents from tiger/bear/wolf/web1 dens have ever helped set up the track, so here is your last chance to learn from the parents who know before we depart. It isn't rocket science, but there are a lot more ways to do it wrong than there are to do it right!
-- I do not have many volunteers committed to coming. It doesn't take a lot of people to set up until the end, so come later if you can.
Friday 6:30pm - Pack meeting
-- Class A uniforms. This will start as a regular meeting.
-- After we wrap up, we will have the weigh/measure station open for adjustments to the cars and the track will be available for trials.
-- Awards: We didn't get our act together in time for awards this month (my bad for not reminding y'all). We have a few to give out, though.
Saturday - Pinewood Derby
-- Volunteers: Show up at 9am
-- Weighting & repair station: 9:30am - 11am (leave enough time to make adjustments)
-- Check-in: 10-11am (ends at 11am sharp)
-- Race starts: 11:30am
-- The race will probably last till 2:30 or so. Then we'll do awards, tear-down, and clean up.
-- Potluck lunch - bring mess kits and a dish to share
-- Class B uniforms
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