Friday, February 18, 2011

Re: meals & cabins

Sorry for the pre-campout-mega-email-spammilation in your inbox. Here are a few notes that may or may not be obvious: 

When your children are not engaged in an activity, it is your job to watch them. I love for boys to have free time to run around at camp, so they'll have some free moments, but parents can't just go MIA. If you do need to leave, have someone else be responsible.  

As you look downhill, we will be in the cabins area to the left of the pool. The cabins below the playing field or up by the mess hall are off limits, unless we absolutely have no more room. Please be prepared to be flexible with your sleeping arrangements so we can comply with BSA policies on overnights and keep costs down on how much we use. 

mess kits, cups, silverware - bring 'em. We have a LIMITED amount of paper goods available. I've been threatening for 2 years that someday we'll run out. At the Pinewood Derby, we didn't have enough. 

swim suits/towels - of course!

hiking gear, if you plan to hike: Shoes, backpack, water bottles, first aid kit, snacks, etc. 

sign-out/in: We will have a sign-out/in form for anyone leaving camp for any reason. 

Adults should not be in the bathrooms while boys are naked/showering. I don't know if camp will have enough unlocked bathroom facilities to easily comply all the BSA requirements, but respect for privacy between adults and children is of utmost importance. Also, BSA rules are that a scout should never be alone with an adult, other than their parent. 

Generally, plan to be camping. A few obvious items to pack are flashlights, bug spray, rain gear, warm clothes, sleeping bags, medicines, mess kits, etc. I'm sure there are more items...

Cars: Drop off your people and stuff in the camp, and then park in the lot. 

Shoes: Close-toed shoes required BY ALL (including family members) at ALL TIMES except in the pool area. 

Knives: You can bring knives if they are needed for planned activities. Boys may use them under supervision, but should NEVER carry a knife. Explain this to your son if you missed the pack meeting. 

David Askov

On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 10:53, David Askov <> wrote:
If you are coming this weekend, and have not yet provided an RSVP for meals or cabins, please do so immediately.

We are trying to prevent buying too much food, but that's better than not enough!!! Reply to this email or text me at 264-8082.

Also, please bring S'mores ingredients for both the campfire both evenings. That will be our dessert.

FYI - The weather forecast shows light southeasterly winds. There is a chance of rain, which is always the case, but the outlook is for nothing too out of the ordinary. This may be a good time to be on the north shore... Still, please come prepared for rain, which is always good advice when camping...

David Askov

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