Sunday, November 7, 2010

feedback channels


Given recent events, I want to clear up some possible misconceptions. 

1) If you have a problem or suggestion related to the Pack, and you want us to do something about it, then come to me with your issue. It is common for parents to share notes, gossip, and vent their frustrations to each other, but that doesn't always mean they think it merits action. These grumblings do make their way back to me via the "coconut wireless". I appreciate people's good intentions to keep me apprised of things they've heard, but people with issues need to raise them with me directly, and I will only respond to second-hand information in very exceptional cases. 

2) If you don't think I responded appropriately to an issue you raised, or you just don't feel comfortable bringing the issue to me in the first place, you can take it to the Pack Committee. The Committee can be reached at, and they are copied on all emails to the whole pack (like this one). Feel free to CC them on any emails to me. Similarly, if you have a problem in your den, take it to your den leader, and then to me if you feel it needs further follow up. 

3) Cub Scouts has defined channels for feedback, complaints, suggestions, etc, and we need parents to follow that leadership structure: Den Leader, Cubmaster, Committee, Council, etc. We want to create an environment where everyone can air grievances and offer suggestions, but we simply cannot have individual parents putting things on the agenda or deciding how things must be done (except as specific areas are delegated to volunteers). I can't promise that everyone who raises an issue will get their way, but I will promise it will receive consideration and a response. 

4) Regarding the recent knife issue - I hope I made the Pack's position on this clear. I will review this again, since we have had some recent contradictions to what was stated previously. 
-- I requested that anyone with concerns follow up with me. The coconut wireless is working overtime, but I received very little first-hand input on this. I renew the offer to listen to your concerns.  
-- As previously stated, we are treating this as a behavioral issue, NOT a knife safety issue. 
-- Cub Scouts has a series of age-appropriate knife safety lessons in the DENS. One size does not fit all. For this reason, and given the previous point, we purposely do NOT plan to hold a pack-wide knife safety lesson and it will not be on the weekend's agenda at camp (more details on camp coming soon...). 
-- The Pack's no-knife policy was sent to all parents, and we asked that you review that with your son. We WILL cover this at the camp out with the boys that are present. In short, no boy should ever carry a knife, aside from using one during closely supervised activities where they are needed. 
-- We want to do some sort of bullying/teamwork lesson for the pack. I am not sure when this will happen, but it won't come together by the camp-out. 

Again, please come to your Den Leader, me, and/or the Committee with any concerns, problems, or offers to help.

Thanks, David

David Askov

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