A few very important announcements. Please read carefully.
1) Pack meeting Oct 20. This is a halloween costume party. Each den will do an activity.
2) Deadline to report awards is Oct 13. Report your awards requests to your den leaders and copy Maria McGowan (galucan@yahoo.com). Reminder - this is for awards completed only, not partial progress toward awards.
3) Popcorn: This is our main fundraiser for the year, and it is really important that everyone participate.
-- We have 3 dates for storefront sales. The first is FRIDAY, OCT 08, from 4-7 at Foodland in Pukalani. We are back at Foodland Oct 16th. We have a Walmart date Nov 7th, which we hope is our biggest opportunity. Times will be announced shortly for the latter two dates.
-- If you do not have sales forms for your son, please contact your den leader ASAP. (Den leaders - contact Velva if you don't have them.)
-- Velva could use a hand picking up the popcorn on Friday. Time TBD. Call/email her (velva@myhomeonmaui.com, 250-3727) if you have a large-ish vehicle (pick-up, minivan, SUV) and can help.
-- All popcorn sales (door-to-door) or storefront must be done in a full uniform (Class A).
-- Door to door sales must have an adult accompanying, and you must stop at sun-down.
-- You are strongly encouraged to collect money in advance, unless it is someone you really trust. When you turn in your popcorn forms, you will need to turn in cash/checks totaling your sales amount. If the person doesn't pay in advance, you will need to front that money and be responsible for collecting it.
-- When we do storefront sales, we will have shared sales sheets. The boys will share the revenues divided by the number of boys. Please explain to your son that this is an activity with an important goal, and as such, he must actively participate in order to get credit for his time (and be fair to the other boys' efforts).
-- There is an end date in early-mid November. We will announce it shortly. At that time, we will have a flurry of form/money collecting, because we will have deadlines to submit it to the Council. When that time comes, please help us by moving quickly.
-- Please refer all questions to Velva (velva@myhomeonmaui.com, 250-3727)
-- There will be awards for the top sellers, in addition to the prizes listed on the forms.
4) Camp Olowalu:
-- We are now confirmed for an overnight Saturday, November 13th. Thank you to Bill for arranging this for us. If you've never been, I highly recommend this.
-- Please email me if you are interested in also staying Friday night (Nov 12th). This would not be part of the official event (i.e.: just a group of friends), and we probably wouldn't have the whole camp, but we may have enough interest to reserve a cabin or two.
Please note that I will be traveling abroad starting Saturday for one week. I will have access to email, but little time to read/answer it, so use it only for urgent requests. My cell phone will be off...
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